For the second week in a row, I am asking myself what I might say regarding the "news du jour". You are probably asking what else is there to say? We have exhausted these explanations: lone wolf, angry young man, deranged teen, etc. etc. etc. You know where this is going. While we have run out of words, those who aim to destroy life will never run out of guns, unless we do something.
From the school room to the golf course, there is no safe place when guns are prevalent in every town in this country. Don't start with the second amendment; start by stopping the sale of weapons without regard for who buys these lethal tools with only one thing in mind: to use it!
Things are out of control when presumptive candidates for our country's most important position duck for cover on the fifth hole huddled beneath paid Secret Service. Never mind our children going into lockdown with nothing between them and their teacher. (Thank you teachers!)
Guns are aimed with equal force and will against candidates in the public eye and children in the public school. Guns are not being used in these cases for self protection, as the "right to bear arms" proclaims. A golf club against an AK-47 machine gun is no match anymore than a teacher's ruler against a rifle. Caught in the crossfire are those without guns who have the same right under the second amendment to bear arms, but they don't in their everyday lives while golfing and learning. This has become an intergenerational issue to resolve, once and for all. Boycotts can be effective if you want to stop a product from being sold. But, those who do not buy guns cannot take such a stand to make a change. Protests raise up voices in anger against injustices. But, it is too little too late after death ends an innocent life.
Who then shall we take aim at to end violent murder by guns in public places?
Who owns this responsibility?
We do!
We vote for or against gun laws each time we vote for a candidate on our local level, our state level, our national level. Before you vote on November 5, find out if your candidate of choice is on the record regarding gun laws. If not, ask them where they stand.
gunsensevoter.org* is a resource site that lists ALL U.S. candidates in 2024 who advocate for stronger gun laws. Looking up your state is as easy as logging on to take aim in the voting booth at anyone who refuses to protect you and me as we go about our day.
*project of Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund with Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America