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Bare Trees in Fog

Voice of America

Writer's picture: Marie LaureMarie Laure

Of course you’re going to have your handful of politicians, a small group of activists and a lot of paid bots on social media trying to gaslight you,” Perez told [Florida] house colleagues.

But we know that truth matters, and simply saying that something is terrible over and over doesn’t actually make it true. Threatening others to get your way isn’t leadership, it’s immaturity.


"Doug Ford, the premier of Ontario, Canada’s most populous province, said he would ban US companies from provincial contracts until the tariffs are removed.

He added: US-based businesses will now lose out on tens of billions of dollars in new revenues. They only have President Trump to blame.

We’re going one step further. We’ll be ripping up the province’s contract with [Elon Musk’s] Starlink. Ontario won’t do business with people hellbent on destroying our economy.


"In 2023, the first full year after Roe fell, the US saw more than 1m abortions, according to the Guttmacher Institute, which tracks abortions and restrictions on the procedure. It was the largest number recorded in more than a decade . . ."

"The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) says doctors should advise patients about “reversible alternatives” such as vasectomy or other forms of birth control, . . .Respect for an individual patient’s reproductive autonomy should be the primary concern guiding permanent contraception provision and policy,” the ACOG says.


“If you can see in the social media, people are angry, angry, and writing: ‘No way – this is not gonna happen again’.”


These quotes are taken from full-length news reports not sensationalist headlines used to distract from the truth. It is incumbent upon each of us to seek the truth to set us free from fear. In so doing, we will find each other to join hands with across our country.

This fifteen-year-old sang her heart out rising above angry boo's, then the game was played as always. We are the VOICE OF AMERICA!

The Capitol where our representatives work has a main phone number to directly connect you with each Senator: (202) 224- 3121. Put in in your speed dial!

As my Spanish teacher used to say before each exam: "Don't be a-scared".  The more we speak, the easier it becomes. You are welcome to test the waters in the comments section to join in solidarity with those who are "hellbent" on speaking the truth.

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© 2023 by Marie Laure

​Six Stages of Pilgrimage:

  • The Call:

  • The opening clarion of any spiritual journey. Often in the form of a feeling or some vague yearning, a fundamental human desire: finding meaning in an overscheduled world somehow requires leaving behind our daily obligations. Sameness is the enemy of spirituality.

  • The Separation:

  • Pilgrimage, by its very nature, undoes certainty. It rejects the safe and familiar. It asserts that one is freer when one frees oneself from daily obligations of family, work, and community, but also the obligations of science, reason, and technology.

  • The Journey:

  • The backbone of a sacred journey is the pain and sacrifice of the journey itself.  This personal sacrifice enhances the experience; it also elevates the sense of community one develops along the way.

  • The Contemplation:

  • Some pilgrimages go the direct route, right to the center of the holy of holies, directly to the heart of the matter. Others take a more indirect route, circling around the outside of the sacred place, transforming the physical journey into a spiritual path of contemplation like walking a labyrinth.

  • The Encounter:

  • After all the toil and trouble, after all the sunburn and swelling and blisters, after all the anticipation and expectation comes the approach, the sighting. The encounter is the climax of the journey, the moment when the traveler attempts to slide through a thin veil where humans live in concert with the Creator.

  • The Completion and Return:

  • At the culmination of the journey, the pilgrim returns home only to discover that meaning they sought lies in the familiar of one's own world. "Seeing the place for the first time . . ."

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