to meet a Fourteenth century mystic, virtually speaking. Who was Julian?
Julian of Norwich was a mystic and an author. She is the first woman known to have written a book in English! She, of course, would have known nothing about "Zoom" meetings, but in the Twenty-first century we can meet and talk about her from anywhere around the world. Join me Thursday, November 7 from wherever you are at 3 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time)
for a thirty-minute session to hear about an upcoming pilgrimage to Norwich, UK in May, 2025.
Julian is a unique mystical woman for our times making this the perfect pilgrimage for twenty-first century pilgrims. Julian of Norwich lived from age 50 in a small anchorage, a room attached to St. Julian’s Church in the heart of Norwich, now a UNESCO City of Literature. The pilgrimage will coincide with Julian’s Feast Day, May 8.
What you can expect on the one week pilgrimage, May 5 - 12:
We will stay next door to the anchorage at All Hallows Guest House. Breakfast included.
Daily Mass in the Anchorage.
Julian presentations by Friends of Julian plus keynote speaker.
Time for writing and sharing reflections daily.
Day trip to the British Library to see the 16th century manuscripts.
Attend Evensong in Norwich Cathedral.
Tour of Norwich Cathedral Library.
Visit University of East Anglia Sainsbury Center of Art